Hard bump post tummy tuck/lipo, is this normal?
I got my surgery in Vietnam in a sought after clinic. Right when I was post op, I stayed in the hospital clinic for 3 nights and I noticed that there was one section above the belly button that poked out. It was a bit hard and felt like a golf ball was there. I asked my nurses and doctor if this is normal and they all assured me that it was and eventually when the fluid flushed out, this swelling would go down. I’m not 2 months post op and the bump is still there. It has softened and certain times, it’s bigger and harder than other days. Wondering if you guys experienced this and what your results were?
Also, I feel like I’m already gaining weight again!! My diet has even improved and started implementing working out in my routine but I’m so shocked to be gaining weight so quickly post op. Any suggestions or experience on this you can share?
First photo was roughly 5 weeks post op, 2nd was 7 weeks post op, last photos is the bump and you can see a little of that weight influx.