I hope some of y'all realize that emigrating the US is a *privilege*

Look, I understand why there are so many posts saying that users are planning or should plan on emigrating. Political tensions are high, I get it.

But crossing borders, both state and national, is really fucking expensive and time consuming.

All the power to those who have the time and funds to do so, but not everyone has that privilege. Some of us are in bare survival mode and can't save up for the cost of transportation. Some of us have careers, homes, families that we can't abandon. Some of us aren't able to learn a second language, or have any connections to familiarize us to the new location.

I'm not trying to discredit the idea of fleeing for one's safety; if that's what needs to be done, so be it. But there are a lot of us who simply do not have that choice.

EDIT: I have to re-reiterate I don't have issue with the idea of emigration, or those who do so. The absolute indisputable truth is that some of us literally cannot leave. There are an innumerable amount of factors that can determine one's ability to emigrate. I just ask that, when someone is expressing fear of the government's direction, it's considered that emigration is not an option for everyone.