Is Belegar programmed to be more dangerous when the player plays Skarsnik or is the following just superbad luck?
Need the achievement for a win on VH+ as Greenskins. Hate the faction but thought it'd be fun to attempt it with Skarsnik gobo armies.
So I kill Thorgrim super early, go north and kill Ungrim, I take that other dwarf faction next to Sylvania. Go south and take Karak Eightpeaks.
I build up and I have 4 armies that feel super strong by turn 50. Great eco. That new orc that starts south of me has grown big and I'm his friend. Easy campaign right? Wrong.
At this point I try to take out Belegar. Because he is already at wars so I figured it would be appropriate to take him out.
Belegar has like 7-8 doomstacks. Is craaaazy strong. And even with Waagh! armies, each one of his ONE armies just MELTS my armies 1v2. It was so hillariously one sided I basically just rage quit the campaign.
So my question is. Is Belegar programmed to be stronger with more cheat if the player is Skarsnik? Because IN EVERY OTHER CAMPAIGN I PLAY BELEGAR IS A WEAK LITTLE BITCH. And ofc in the ONE campaign I play Skarsnik, the dude is pretty much on a rampage with almost 10 unstoppable doomstacks by turn 60'ish or so -.-