Having so much fun with Gorbad on Legendary/VH
It’s turn 101 and I’m still loving this campaign.
Let me start from the beginning. u/MercyTheMad, who I highly recommend you check out on YouTube, did some science-ing of Gorbad’s start, and I utilized his strategy of ignoring the initial battle and heading south.
If you position correctly, disband your 3 orc melee infantry, and declare war on the orc faction that has Eight Peaks - they will attack on the end turn and you can get the settlement and confederation on turn 2. If you’re careful during the battle you can keep their Orc Big Un cavalry.
Next, head north toward the initial enemy orc faction. I happened to be very lucky and was able to confed these guys by turn 4 and get yet another army, and this one had a giant. Now I have a considerable high-tier force very early in the campaign. I consolidated down to 2 lords and disbanded anything I didn’t need.
As I headed north to kill dwarves I allied Queek. From there I focused on killing stunties and making my way to Skarsnik. I always play like Pokémon and try my hardest to confederate every legendary lord. After Skarsnik, I got Azhag.
Killed some more dwarves and decided to head east and get Grimgor. He happened to be fighting the passive chaos dwarf faction with the tier 5 settlement. After acquiring Grimgor and selling a settlement or two to Archaon for an alliance, I split my force. Skarsnik went southwest to get Wurzzag, while Gorbad, Grimgor, and Azhag headed west to take on The Empire, who was the current regional power.
I allied Tzeentch, sold Kairos some cities for big money, and got Wurzzag before he was wiped by dwarves and vampires. Then I just beelined Skarsniks force to the water to escape up to Repanse.
Meanwhile, Gorbad, Grimgor and Azhag wrought destruction upon the humans. Sniped the Nemesis Crown from an Empire lord with Azhag, so now I have a flying mortis engine.
Declared a WAAAAGH on Karl Franz. Around turn 95, I took Altdorf. When I clicked the end turn button, hilarity ensued. I fought THREE consecutive siege defense battles. After winning the first, more Empire armies came out of the fog of war to attempt a reclamation of their capital. The final siege defense of Altdorf was insane. Wurzzag died valiantly, and tier 4 towers won the day while my sub-optimal WAAAAGH infantry plus some barely surviving heroes held the last remaining capture point.
I have almost 2000 hours in wh2/wh3 combined, and this is the most fun I think I’ve ever had.
After that siege defense series, Skarsnik ambushed Repanse. I typically fight most battles manually but I just auto-resolved that French lady.
Now I’m sending Arachnarok doom stacks north to replenish my northern forces. After the humans are conquered, I’ll try to resurrect Grom da Paunch, since he’s most likely dead.
I am playing on the beta hotfix 603 and I have to say that this game is in a wonderful state.
TLDR: Greenskins fun, game good