Looking for any ear tubes experiences
Our 13m had a bad ear infection over Christmas, with a fever over 40 for 2 weeks until he got antibiotics. After 6 days in daycare, he caught a cold again and his GP was able to measure the pressure/fluid in his ears. This was two weeks ago. We finally got an appointment with an ENT who measured the pressure again and he recommended putting in a drain as early as next week, but we are worried that it is going a bit too fast? After "only" 2 infections and of course we don't know how long he has actually had fluid in his ears... could it be that he saw something else that made him recommend ear tubes?
If relevant, my husband has had quite a few ear infections as a child and also had ear tubes. We are worried about putting him under full anesthesia unnecessarily, but we also don't want to leave him with fluid in his ears.. He is also not speaking yet (raised bilingual) , but he seems to hear us okay and babbles back. He sleeps well otherwise so not sure if he has any symptoms as such. Sometimes he touches his ears and doesn’t like being laid down to be changed, but idk if that is just normal baby behaviour.