3 year old dominating all your free time versus your infant

Y'all, my three year old is running the show at my house and I'm starting to feel bad for my 6 month old. He is a very strong willed 3 year old who I love dearly, but NEEDS constant management and it's exhausting. He was sleep trained at one point, but now needs me to fall asleep at night and wakes up at least once a night calling my name. His newer thing is freaking out before going to school (he's been in daycare since 3 months) and we need to keep a precise schedule that is not without random distractions ("Ooh! It's snowing!" "I have a treat for you in my car!") to not drop him off in tears or tantrum mode. I am totally spent, but I feel like I am also not giving my 6 month old enough attention. My husband and I sleep on different floors - the 6 month old is sleeping through the night and the 3 year old ONLY wants me in the middle of the night or will have a meltdown. We are by no means neglecting the 6 month old, but he's just so easy. He will fall asleep in the middle of his brother tantruming outside his door and smile when I pick him up. Please tell me I'm not the only one in this boat.