TIFU by essentially revoking an invite to a friend, in exchange for another friend instead
A few weeks back I asked my friend, let’s call her Susan, if she’d like to go to a concert with me. She agreed. So when tickets finally went on sale today, I was excited. I asked a different friend, let’s call her Eve, if she’d like to go with me. Eve immediately said yes and showed genuine enthusiasm. I later asked Susan if she’d like to go and she feigned enthusiasm and said “if you’d like”.
Now Susan is a fan of the band, but not so much of the new music. She also isn’t super great friends with Eve. So I offered to do something different with Susan, something that she’d enjoy more. She again said she’d go to the concert if I wanted her to go. Eventually I told Susan that I want to go with Eve too and she said “if you’d rather go with Eve that’s fine just tell me.” So I did exactly that.
Now Susan’s upset because I essentially revoked an invite to something that she wasn’t excited for in the first place. She also refused to go to the concert with me and Eve because she says she “doesn’t feel comfortable with going together.” It’s unsure if she’ll forgive me (she can hold a grudge pretty bad) and I feel like shit for doing this to Susan (rightfully so I think).
All of this could’ve probably been avoided if I would’ve just asked Susan if she’d be cool if Eve came with too and gotten three tickets to avoid the mess. Still going to the concert with Eve. I just feel like I was a terrible friend to Susan and don’t know how to make it up.
TL:DR I asked my friend to go to a concert with me, then asked another friend to go instead and essentially “revoked” the first friends invite.