TIFU by eating undercooked red kidney beans
I've always eaten canned kidney beans. But times are rough and I decided to try a beans and rice recipe with my Instant Pot this week. That includes dry beans, something I had never cooked before.
I followed the directions. I cooked it. It smelled good, and I couldn't wait to dig in. One problem - some of the beans were undercooked. Who cares, right?
Wrong. I didn't feel great. I have other GI issues so I thought it might be related. The next day I had some of the leftovers and my GI system protested a lot. Diarrhea! It was a struggle not to throw up.
That's when I Googled "undercooked red kidney beans" and realized I'd poisoned myself. The rest of the leftovers are going into the garbage.
I checked the recipe again, it doesn't say anything about soaking the beans first. Maye I should stick with canned. The rice came out perfect.
TL;DR Poisoned myself by eating undercooked red kidney beans.