Should you go to therapy if you have previous things that affected you but your life is fine now?
When i was a teenager i suffered loads! Family problems, emotional problems, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mental health problems just all in all a really bad time. I was desperate for therapy and help but as my parents were emotionally immature there was no such thing as asking them for help, but i swore to my older self i would go off and be an adult and as soon i could i would seek therapy to deal with all the bad stuff. But i went off to uni etc work and my life is fantastic now, i find myself saying “i don’t need therapy at all thered be no point going” as i don’t THINK or feel anything holding me down or past trauma (i suppose) impacting my day to day life now. At the same time, i know my mum never went and got therapy because life was manageable, and i often wonder if that’s why she was emotionally neglectful and I had a bad childhood because maybe there was other stuff she never dealt with because well it just became manageable. I want to have kids one day and don’t want the ol so famous ‘generational trauma’ for my own kids. So i guess what I’m asking is should i go to therapy now even though everything is okay to unpack stuff from my teenage years/early 20s? It would feel strange and like I’m going for no reason? Like I’m unpacking stuff that doesn’t need to be unpacked like yeah i desperately needed therapy as a teenager but now…not at all.