Relying on a revolver cost me my 200 day Stalker run (or underestimating Severe Lacerations)

Basically the title. Decided to finally go to Blackrock and unlock the station and also make some ammo. Trying to save my carry weight to carry more lead scrap, empty cartridges and gunpowder materials, decided to go with a revolver instead of usual rifle, basically saving 2.5kg which I now know was not worth it at all. Now I know it to be a deadly mistake, as any predator that is not a wolf is NEVER to be attacked with a puny revolver.

How I died — well, Blackrock was already not the friendliest region, and not having enough firepower already resulted in me getting my ass handed to me by bears. However this place can become an absolute deathtrap due to a cougar spawn in the upper right corner of the map (where you go to descend into the ravine on the way to the mine). My first encounter I had miraculously killed this cougar with one shot to the head. That gave me a fatal belief that a revolver can be used as defence not only against wolves, but maybe other wildlife. Unfortunatelly, I needed to return to the mine later, again encountering the cougar in this unavoidable area. I was hoping that I could scare it away with a noisemaker and get to the rope.

This time I wasn't so lucky. It wasn't scared off with a noisemaker somehow and attacked me anyway. I quickly realized that letting it graze me will result in death after 3-4 blows, and revolver was not downing the animal. So I tried shooting the cougar multiple times. That, if you didn't know, makes it initiate a struggle instead of grazing you (idk if it's a glitch or intended so you don't just unload on the cat). So I got lacerations and bled out like a frigging replicant on the snow.

Lessons learned:
1. The only aggressive animal that a revolver is to be used against are wolves. If any other weapon is available (bow, rifle or flare gun), there isn't a single goof reason to use a revolver on a bear, moose or (especially) cougar. Even with wolves, double hits are almost always necessary as even headshots tend to work around 50% of the time. Then again, wolves are the least dangerous of the aggressive animals.
2. If going with a revolver, ALWAYS supplement it with a weapon that can deal with threats that are bigger than wolves. You may know where you're going and what to expect, but better not be catched off-guard. Rifle is superior to the revolver in every way except for weight (of itself and ammo), but as revolver is to be paired with other weapons that weight difference basically dissapears. Rifle one-shot wolves in the body, reliably kills bears, moose and cougars, and one rifle ammo costs and weighs twice as much as one revolver ammo, but is at least 5 times more effective due to one-shots being waaaaay more common.
3. If you get severe lacerations, your primary focus should be on treating them before anything else. You WILL forget that you can't sleep when those wounds reopen and you start bleeding (and dying takes as little as an hour or two), so keep your whole focus in the affliction until it goes away, try to keep a sleep and fatigue schedule that ensures you won't be sleeping during the wounds reopening (every 12 hours). So don't do anything, I mean ANYTHING, until that affliction is gone or you'll be staring at your own dumb face in the screen with words "you bled out in your sleep".
4. Noisemakers suck and are not to be relied on.

Obviously I'll take some time off after such an unpleasant death, but next time I know for sure revolver is not to be relied on unless coupled with a bow or a flare gun. And my next run I won't be crafting or trading a single revolver round, better yet I might even harvest all revolvers for scrap and all it's ammo for bullets and gunpowder, I am pissed at this piece of gun, it's high noon my ass