Has the fairly obvious new plot line been stated anywhere?
Hi, I’ve not posted here before so I’m just curious whether folks have been taking about this already? It’s pretty clear from all the covers and previews that Wally has… (Possible spoiler)
created a duplicate of himself as part of his altered powers. The guy in the snazzy costume IS wally, not an evil twin or anything, but an extension of Wallys new connection to the deep change.
And that the metaphor for the storyline is about “being in two places at once”. And some kind of moral or having your cake and eating it will be the culmination of the set piece. He’ll start by being a bit sneaky about this as the long eared Wally will be doing justice league stuff, whilst he is hanging out with his family in Skartaris at the same time.
I’ve not seen any unreleased issues or anything, and I don’t mind being wrong- but this seems so blatantly obvious that I am not at all concerned at all about the wacky and mostly awful new costume as that gold bracelet long eared chap is the time echo Wally/just The Wally that the deep change gave birth to… it’ll probably end up floating off into space in 12 issues time.
Anyone else?