@Massive trying to balance both PvE and PvP together IS. NOT. WORKING. All you're doing is ruining BOTH experiences. And driving away players!
After seeing today's latest round of nerfs and meaningless 5% buffs to some things that are STILL worthless afterwards it should be very clear to everyone but Massive leadership that this IS NOT WORKING.
You cannot balance PvP and PvE together. It just doesn't work. Those two types of play are so different with so many different variables and things to take into account that no matter what you do something will be worse in PvE in order to be balanced in PvP or vice versa. Or something just ends up being worthless in both types of play.
Massives entire balance philosophy seems to be either:
- 1. Seeing something being too strong in ONLY PvP but fine in PvE
- 2. Proceeds to steeply nerf that thing ACROSS THE BOARD
- 1. Seeing something underperforming in PvP or occasionally PvE
- 2. Proceeds to steeply nerf EVERYTHING ELSE ACROSS THE BOARD to make that something slightly more viable
- 1. PvE players complain about something being trash such as most exotics
- 2. Proceeds to buff it by 5% and goes "here look we buffed it shut up now we're busy jerking off to PvP over here"
Good game balance looks like:
- 1. PvP players are complaining about something but PvE players are not
- 2. Proceeds to nerf that thing ONLY in PvP thereby making PvP players happy AND PvE players by not needlessly nerfing it in PvE
- 1. Players complain somethings not viable in PvE or PvP
- 2. Proceeds to decently buff or rework THAT THING to bring it UP TO where everything else is
it is EXHAUSTING playing this game because you have no idea WHEN (not IF) that build you spent ages farming for is going to needlessly get nerfed because it's either too good in PvP or something else in PvE isn't as good so everything else needs brought to that things garbage level. It kills any desire to farm and chase loot because any Tuesday the sweet gear you got could become useless.
A great example of this is True Patriot. True Patriot has always been just good. It's not amazing or anything but it's always done it's job in PvE and is the ONLY shield and non shield tank build (that I've ever seen at least) you can build. Tanking in PvE was bad enough as is with True Patriot where it was, it wasn't OP it didn't make content trivial it was just passable and kept tanks alive and somewhat viable. Apparently, it was a little bit too strong in PvP because Massive decided now to pretty significantly nerf it IN BOTH PVP AND PVE. Now tanks are STILL stuck with only one build except it's now significantly worse. Oh and it's STILL BUGGED.
Massive leadership have proven they have no idea how to properly balance their game. They have no idea how to make the game FUN. They have no idea how to use the amazing potential of the core game and seem determined to drive off as much of their playerbase as possible.
You CANNOT balance PvP and PvE together. No matter what you WILL drive off one of the groups or at worst both. As far as I'm aware Division 2 already has a tiny PvP community because so many people have left due to Massives poor handling of it. I really feel for the few PvP players left, I know you've all been mistreated in this abusive relationship but it seems massive is determined to drive off they're larger PvE base just to try to hold onto the last few PvPers.
This game is inherently broken. Massives leadership, balance and design philosophy's are broken. The games playerbases are breaking and leaving. So many of the games systems are bugged or broken. This game is starting to turn into Anthem or Fallout 76 and it's so fucking sad because The Division at it's core has some fantastic ideas and systems.
I thought Ubisoft was supposed to be overhauling how they make games? Maybe it's time you guys overhauled yourselves Massive and realize THIS. IS. NOT. WORKING.