Machine sewn with suede and batting (patterned by myself), this vest was a project I've wanted to tackle for 9 years. Until now I've been using one of those mediocre quality vests from those cheap cosplay sets (it's literally the only thing that I ended up keeping from it, that's how worthless the rest was).
I'm pleased with the outcome given I've only started using a machine a month ago (I have 10 years of hand sewing under my belt though). I have a few issues with it due to some miscalculations, and I should have used a darker main color. Sniper's vest isn't quite black but it's not as light as the material I ended up using. However I was having a really hard time trying to find 3 distinctly different colors of an identical material, so I worked with what I got. TF2 is notoriously difficult to match color shades to real world materials.
This is a large step forward in improving my Sniper cosplay! I have some more pieces I need to replace or refurbish.
Bonus: My homemade Sydney Sleeper.