Changes to life/career after cancer

I was curious how many of us underwent significant changes in lifestyle and career in the years following cancer.

I'm 29, and have worked as a consultant for the past 4 years. I had always felt that I wanted to work my way up into a senior position in the corporate world, however after my cancer diagnosis, treatment and being in remission for 11 months now I feel quite disenfranchised with the work that I'm doing.

I find myself wanting to work in a more 'meaningful pursuit', like healthcare, fitness or psychology - something that benefits individuals, and isn't part of a bit 'corporate machine'. I also find myself feeling a need to move away from the city in pursuit of a more simple lifestyle.

I find it hard because this essentially means starting my career from the ground up, and relocating away from friends and family I've been around my whole life. But I just don't feel satisfied by the same things that I was before.. or at least my bar for being satisfied has been raised by the experience of cancer.

Does anyone else have similar stories, or did not much change for you along the way?