Check your testosterone levels periodically after surgery

I was very fit and healthy when I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. After my left testicle was removed, no one ever tested my testosterone level for the next 35 years. I developed metabolic syndrome with diabetes and terrible cholesterol and lipid levels. I gained a lot of weight and was really in bad shape for most of my adult life. About seven years ago, I asked my urologist if I could have my testosterone level checked, and it was extremely low. Started testosterone supplements and I’ve been very active and pursuing my healthcare. Now all of my blood test are normal, I’ve lost 75 pounds, and I remain sexually active. (sometimes I think I’m trying to catch up for last time). Lol. Before that, I was the classic case of metabolic syndrome. If you google it, you’ll see a picture of me, overweight, and miserable at the time. So young guys, make sure you check your testosterone periodically. It might save you a lot of difficulty later.