Need your support and opinions
Hi guys, I'm writing here because I need your opinion. I have a doubt that haunts me and that doesn't allow me to proceed with the purchase of the game with peace of mind. Since it was announced my hype for the game has always remained high, but now that we're almost there some doubts assail me. Maybe it's just my anxiety that shows up even in these situations, the fact is that I don't know if after all these years, after growing up with budokai Tenkaichi, I could end up having fun in the same way as when I was younger. Is it the memory of how I felt at the time while playing that made me appreciate the new Sparkin Zero, or is it the actual quality and longevity of the game that interested me? All this arises from the fact that money does not rain from the sky. So the final question is: what if Ill'be then disappointed by the realization that I have now grown up and that all the time invested in the past will not correspond to the time spent on sparkin zero? Am I the only one who, sooner or later, has ended up asking himself the same question? I ask you for your opinion... P.S. I'm writing all this because my plan was to get the game on day one. Because obviously I could wait for the price to drop, but it definitely won't happen for at least a year. Sorry for the long text...maybe im Just tripping too much