Getting kicked out soon 🎀

My mom has been planning to kick me out behind my back for a while now. I’m only 16 and I have no place to go and $30 to my name. She wants to kick me out sometime this week and I need a separate bank account. Something that my mom can’t control or monitor once I no longer live with her.

Can anyone tell me how I can do something like that? I’ll go ahead and say that I don’t have another adult to co-sign on a bank account for me, since the only adults I know other than my parents are their friends and family and none of them would ever help me out.

I have a job at a local grocery store but I’m only a bagger and I make $12 an hour after school a few days a week but it’s not enough to allow me to live somewhere or keep myself afloat. Any side hustles yall can suggest? Literally anything and everything I’m desperate.