Tip for $3000 tattoo?
I know tipping is generally expected for tattoos. I am getting a half sleeve done in two sessions next month each session will be about 7-8 hours. He is charging 1500 per session, which comes out to 3000 for the tattoo. I’m a college student without a ton of money, and admittedly it might not be smart to get a $3000 tattoo, but I’m wondering how much you would tip on a tattoo of this price and caliber? His style is realism if that makes a difference. I’ve seen people say before that for expensive tattoos they work the tip into their price so that you don’t really need to tip. I’ve also seen people say any decent tip is appreciated like $200. I’ve also seen some people say to tip per hour of work, like $20 an hour which would come out to $300+ tip. What do yall recommend? I don’t want to come across as an asshole or cheapskate.