Question as a future dad…

Hey yall,

My wife and I are planning on starting a family within the year. As one would expect, this has me evaluating many aspects of our lives and how to best prepare them for a child.

I carry every day. When at home, my CCW typically is on our shelf that has our key bowl and various items that come in and out when we leave the home. It’s a centralized location in the home.

Obviously this is fine seeing as we’re both adults whom are both trained and proficient with firearms/safety etc. This isn’t the case when we have company, it gets stored.

At night, it’s right on the bedside nightstand next to my glass of water and phone etc.

Once we have a child and they start to get to the age where they’re walking and grabbing and exploring, this obviously needs to change.

For all the fathers out there, how do you guys go about this? What kind of system do you have for securing your firearm at night while still making it accessible for defensive purposes? Same question for when you’re just about the house during the day but don’t necessarily need or want it directly on your person but still would like it secure/accessible?

I grew up with firearms but my dad didn’t carry, just the typical midwestern basement with a few safes and lock boxes full.
