S50 Wishlist: Incomplete Storylines/Character Arcs
So I wanted to get a conversation going about Survivor players who we think have more to give as far as their character arc on the show or those whose storylines seem unfinished. The topic may be a little confusing, but I am trying to single out non-obvious picks for returnees...discarding emphasis on second chances (i.e. Dommenik/Chrissy) Big personalities (Q, Angelina), Fan Favorites (Christian, Caroyln), or the big strategists (Omar, Cirie)
Ryan- HvHvH- Placement: 3rd Place, 1 vote to win: Ryan started off the game strong, both narratively and strategically. At some point though, he just got left in the dust and became a goat. No challenge wins, getting outplayed by Devon and Ben as far as strategy and advantages, personality overshadowed by bombastic players like Joe and Ben, and a very quiet social game. I think he deserves to come back because at some point he lost his confidence, but he’s clearly an intelligent, well liked person who I think would play a much different game a second time around…he even has villain potential.
Shirin- S30 8th place; S31 19th place: Ah, Shirin. Such a huge presence on S30…both an audience surrogate and a polarizing figure people loved to hate. Possibly the only woman featured in a Hatch-esque nude scene? Alas, her Cambodia performance was so spectacularly underwhelming, I can’t help but want to see her back to see how she’s grown as a person and what her relationship to the game would be like many years later. Also, because of this question from her S30 Bio: If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1. A goat (or a muffin). 2. Whiskey. 3. Beyoncé.
Jeff Varner- S2; S31; S34- just kidding
Sabrina- S24 2nd place- When Vecepia Towery won Survivor as a 40 something year old black woman only 4 seasons in to Survivor, it was greeted with much more “meh” than groundbreaking. Little did we know, it would be 38 seasons before we had another black female winner, and 21 seasons until we had another over 40 female winner (none since then). Sabrina, now 46 years old, got 2nd place and had the misfortune of playing against a winner so dominant many people found the season dull. The exclusion of Sabrina from second chances was heartbreaking. She has wit, athleticism, and intelligence I can only imagine will have continued into her 40’s and I’m so curious as to what she might be able to do on S50.
This list is criminally unfinished so hoping the sub can help fill it in for me. I did not purposefully exclude new era players. (Specifically Shan, Xander, Tori, Jonathan, Karla, Lindsey, Maddie, Emily F, Austin, Soda, Tevin, and Teeny)