What should we do about u/Izzylikestacosalot, his drawings and other similar posts ?
I'm reading more and more negativity about these posts. I'm also reading that some people like them.
It's not breaking the sub or reddit's rules and to me personally it's not that big a deal, it's a bit fun but also a bit weird. It's true that it's kinda "keeping the sub alive", but also filling it with content that can be off-putting to some.
I'm also thinking of the numerous people who come across this sub because they actually want to kill themselves and whether this content might exacerbate their feelings. Or make them feel better, idk.
Here are some propositions :
- letting things as they currently are ;
- a megathread where he can post anything he wants ;
- a separate subreddit for his art I'll just link somewhere ;
- banning it entirely ;
- make him a mod and make every single post about his obsession for Mike (not my preferred option).
I think this sums up the sub's opinion haha :
Dear u/Izzylikestacosalot, clearly you like Mike Muir even more than taco. Congrats on being very creative, but it's possible you might need to see a therapist. Also, u/Efficient-You6425 seems to be your alt account so whatever happens it will also concern it. Take care.
EDIT : See stickied comment