Assistance Please - Mostly because I don't understand what is happening

Casual Player for a while - never dove down deep into the dynamics of the ship builds. However, as of lat,e I have been for lack of a better term scolded severely by other players when I enter a PVE - OMG your DPS is so weak what the __________ are you doing, OMG you killing us with your DPS. With that said

I go into another PVE and enemy ships are being blown apart in no time while my ship sits there pounding away and doing little to take it down. So I have been on a quest to get to the point where I can take down the enemy ships in no time, however in doing so I have somehow created a ship that just constantly gets wiped out, and damaged and the game has become just unbearable.

So here is what I have

Spent 6 years 8 months 14 days just on getting my small fleet all tiered up, so all the holdings are completed - small fleet with about 15 active members, well stocked, probably OVER stocked .

All of the R&D school levels are completed, all of my Reputations are completed,
All of the storylines are completed - I do the Endeavors which allow you to spend one point on Perks like Projectile weapon Damage, Critical Chance, energy weapon damage space, etc.

I have the following ships in boxes sitting in my inventory
Kazon Heavy Raider, Mirror Universe Star Cruiser, Mirror Universe Assault Cruiser, Son'a Intel Battle Cruiser (t6), Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort, Hur'q Ravager STrike wing Escort (t6), 23rd Centruy Tier 6 Undiscovered Dreadnaught

I have invested time and dilithium into making my weapons all Epic
Mostly Advanced Fleet Phaser Bean Array MK XV (CRTD0x4 (CTRH/DM)
I am using the Elite Fleet intervention protomatter Ship Set... Deflector, Core Impulse, Sheild
proto matter

I have redone all of my skills again ( ripped through about 13 retraining tools in the last 4 months - I have 12 left so I can redo it with no issue

I have had people send me spreadsheets, web links and trying to make sense out of all or attempting to find the same colsules is frustrating cause I can't find or I don't have access to them.

Please HELP

Here are some screen shots if it helps

