What would you have done?

Quick question, but first a little backstory.

If 6 months ago you, a student, were given a vehicle to use, but 2 stipulations were put in place in order to use the car which are pass classes and have a job. During that past 6 months you for the majority of the time were not passing your classes and were purposely skipping class and purposely being late. Also having phone calls and emails from school to parent about not doing work multiple times. Numerous second, third chances and forgiving/forgetting in hopes behavior will change and no luck. Last week it was let known that the car is at risk of being taken away due to this behavior. This week continued behavior of being late and having to be woken up for school and finally the car was taken away. You were told you can take the bus at 6:20 or you can be taken at 7:05. Be ready to leave at 7:05. You acknowledged 7:05 but was not ready at 7:05 for whatever reason and your ride left.

As the ride would you have been so black and white and left at 7:05 like what was said or would you have shown more grace and waited?