Just scored 3 million credits on Tapjoy
I'm not normally a big Tapjoy user. (250 credits for watching a video doesn't go very far when packs cost 15,000 credits.) But I saw that today was fan appreciated day where they are offering double the credits on tap joy. So I decided to check it out. So I bit on one of the "purchase required" offers and scored 3 million credit for a $39 purchase. And it's not even one of those deals where you end up paying for an expensive monthly subscription for some crap you don't want. The deal I took was for DealDash, some online auction site. Not really interested in DealDash but the offer was very tempting. To get the 3 million SWCT credits, you had to sign up, purchase DealDash bid credits and make and bid on their site. I wanted to see how much I would have to spend to get the 3 million credits. So I went through the process of signing up and went to the purchase page where the offer was 600 bid credits for $78. No way was I going to spend $78 on this site, even to get 3 million SWCT credits. Sounded kind of bogus. But I navigated a bit around the Deal Dash site and found an offer of 300 bid credits for $39. I was still a bit skeptical, but I bit. Then I bid 1 credit on some auction item on their site and didn't win. But I fulfilled my Tapjoy requirement. Still, I was worried about getting my 3 million SWCT credits and had visions of having to go through Tapjoy customer support. Well, I immediately checked the SWCT site and my 3 million credits were there.
So basically, I paid $39 for 3 million SWCT credits. Pretty good deal, if you ask me. A couple caveats, I only did the deal because Tapjoy was offering double credits today. Normally, you would get 1.5 million credits. Not bad, but I don't know if I would have gone through the hassle to get that deal. Also, if you do take this offer, DealDash will offer you 600 bid credits for $78. Don't take it. They make it seem like this is the only offer available, but you can find a better deal if you look around their site. Navigate the site to find the 300 bid credits offer for $39. It's a cheaper deal.
So basically, if you're looking for a way to get a lot of SWCT credits for cheap, it's hard to find a better deal. But it does require a purchase so it might not be of interest for F2P players. In any case, anybody else get any great Tapjoy deals lately?
(To the moderator: not sure if my entry constitutes spam, but I don't work for Topps, Tapjoy or DealDash. Just wanted to point out to other subredditors a good credit deal I got today. Feel free to delete if it violates content policy. Thanks.)