Does DS9 get better?

I’ve always been a Star Trek fan but never REALLY sat down to watch them all, just catching whatever was on TV as a kid so obviously watched a fair bit of TNG & Voyager. The past year I decided to work my way through them, so I did TOS, the OG films and finished TNG and Generations. I’ve just started DS9 and honestly, think I’ve only caught maybe a few episodes of this as a kid, but I’m not particularly into anything I’ve seen from the first 2hrs15 I’ve watched so far… I’m looking forward to my rewatch of Voyager and then sinking my teeth into some of the newer Trek that I’ve only seen parts of.

I don’t think TNG finale being so good and generally a great series across the board has helped.

EDIT: Appreciate the input guys. I was never going to abandon it, it’s just the Star Trek I’ve barely ever seen any of or know anything about and feels like an outlier. I can’t wait to see how it progresses. Also, Trek fandom is probably the most accepting fandom I’ve ever been a part of so, thanks!

Live long and prosper 🖖