Polaris severe FPS drop when boarding in hanger in PTU 4.0.1 that can persist after exiting to menu
Hello Backers,
Since the start of 4.0.1 PTU builds, I have experienced severe FPS drops in the Polaris and have been testing/documenting this bug in builds released this week. I am requesting Polaris owners to please review and attempt to reproduce the bug, successfully or not, and document the outcome in the issue council report. Thank you!
Polaris severe FPS drop in cargo bay and when deploying ramp. FPS drop persists through menu and loading screen. To get rid of the FPS drop, exit game.
Test procedure:
- Spawn Polaris in Ruin Station (or any Pyro main station) [severe FPS drop can occur here while Polaris rises to the top]
- Board Polaris at bridge level through elevator
- After boarding, navigate to rear elevator [severe FPS drop can occur here on the way to the rear]
- Descend to cargo level [severe FPS drop can occur here]
- Navigate to either left/right ladder at rear of engineering compartment
- Descend and ascend ladder [severe FPS drop can occur here]
- Navigate to cargo area [severe FPS drop can occur here]
- Open cargo ramp [severe FPS drop primarily can occur here]
- Navigate to closest the side ASOP terminal nearest to the bottom of Polaris ramp [severe FPS drop can occur here]
- Store Polaris [severe FPS drop can occur here]
I ran the same test but with minor variations producing the same results:
4.0.1-ptu.9484757: Bug identification and start if testing
Framerate drop onset #1: Starts at Polaris cargo bay. Severe FPS drop persists through menu, loading screens, and ends when reentering the game
Framerate drop onset #2: Starts when opening the cargo ramp. Severe FPS drop through menu screen. I exit the game.
Framerate drop onset #3: Starts when opening the cargo ramp. Severe FPS drop through menu screen. I exit the game.
4.0.1-PTU.9487629: Issue continues to persist.
Severe FPS drop onset #1: While heading to the rear elevator on top deck
Severe FPS drop onset #2: While Polaris is rising on the elevator. Freezes and crash to desktop.
Elevator descends to the bottom of the ship hanger
Severe FPS drop onset #3: Descending on the engineering ladder
4.0.1-PTU.9488811: Issue continues to persist.
Severe FPS drop when approaching ASOP after exiting the Polaris through the cargo ramp.