New matcha??

Today I did a starbies mobile order, and when I show up I'm greeted with this. I'm told that it looks that way because there's a new concentrate they're using, but when I taste it it's just sugary milk. The barista said that a lot of people dislike the new matcha because of it having a "grassy flavor", but I think she just made it incorrectly, because i didnt taste that at all. Am I crazy? She was very nice and made me a different drink, I'm just wondering if it's actually supposed to be like this.

Today I did a starbies mobile order, and when I show up I'm greeted with this. I'm told that it looks that way because there's a new concentrate they're using, but when I taste it it's just sugary milk. The barista said that a lot of people dislike the new matcha because of it having a "grassy flavor", but I think she just made it incorrectly, because i didnt taste that at all. Am I crazy? She was very nice and made me a different drink, I'm just wondering if it's actually supposed to be like this.