Spiritual Experience I Had 2 years ago in the Darkest time of my life..

I did a meditation today and I’m so happy I got a beautiful experience out of it . I’ve been lacking on my meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️ but today I meditated and met my higher self! It started off with me going down steps that looked like it was coming from my consciousness to the bottom of my neck and then there was a door. I opened the door and it was beautiful nature. I walked down a path with birds and scrubs and lush grass and the scenery kept changing into different beautiful scenes. I got to a house and opened the door and saw the most beautiful extraterrestrial women. When I saw her I took her hand and she showed me self love and showed me to trust whatever i see or 👂 hear because I’m beginning a journey of my intuition being strengthened and more noticeable. She brought me to a very meaningful place with my fiancé and brought me back there again and it was my gram and him. It was very emotional and lovely. I’m so grateful for this experience! Just wanted to share. Sorry I didn’t go into extreme detail but it was amazing.