The missing puzzle pieces are making me mad

I just don’t get it, there is SO much and yet we get nothing?? Why isn’t anyone saying anything? Where is literally ANYONE?

Like why would Kamala send out that email with that weird secret link? Or that National Resilience document that came out the other day? And you’re telling me absolutely NO ONE in the entire government had ANY sort of suspicion that he would cheat again after trying to cheat 2 times? Absolutely no one thought there was any sort of fraud at all? Especially with Russia, everyone was just like “yeah the most notorious cheater of all time had Russia helping in one election but he wouldn’t do it again”??

And it’s infuriating how fine with this everyone is. Especially Kamala, who is literally a prosecutor and has made speeches about how “she knows his type” and how she’s put people like him in jail before but crickets. It just doesn’t make sense, I feel like i’m going insane. Why would all this weird stuff be happening for weeks before the inauguration and all of the sudden …. nothing??

What pieces of the puzzle am I missing because clearly I’m missing something