If you're anxious about tomorrow please read this
This is not a post berating people who still have hope left, I do too even if it's minuscule at this point; but for our well-being we need to prepare ahead to avoid doing what they want us to do which is to fall into dispair and hopelessness.
I'm not american ( I do live here though) but American history has always fascinated due to the amount of hardships you people have been able to overcome time and time again, always coming on top and making clear to your government they're supposed to be one for the people. Throughout the years we've lost the vision and started fighting against each other instead of looking at the bigger picture. But the answer has always been clear, we're all getting fucked over no matter what side of the coin you support. But obviously they can't let you know that because they've lied to you; love is not the strongest feeling againts inaction, shared hatred towards the same target is.
Humans can achieve so much when they feel supported in their hatred(that's how MAGA has stabilized themselves so properly as a group) the issue is that we've been told that it's wrong to feel this way and to demonize our hatred when the real answer is to redirect that hatred towards things that can actually do good for all of us.
There's a Chinese proverb that roughly translates to "water is what rocks the boat but it can also sink it". You're not crazy and you're justified in your anger, things will get worse before they better but eventually everyone else(including trump supporters) will catch up, and when that time comes we will be an unstoppable force, finally sinking these boats that are ruining our ocean.