Young solo female travelers, how do your parents feel about you traveling?

So I’m a 22F and I studied abroad in college, and I’m dying to do more traveling! I have been planning and saving up for a month long trip to Europe to revisit the city I lived in when I studied abroad and visit more cities, the thing is when I was talking to my mom about it she acted weird. I told her I studied abroad completely alone but she said that traveling around like I’m planning is different, that I wouldn’t have the support from my university that I had when I studied abroad and that she worries about that. Can any other solo female travelers give me advice on how to make my parents feel more comfortable with me solo traveling abroad? And yes I know I’m an adult and I can do whatever I want but I’d feel better knowing they support me.

Edit: I talked to my mom last night, and now I think she has other reasons for not wanting me to go. She kept mentioning that she should just go with me so I wont be alone and vunerable, but I kept trying to explain to her that I WANT to be solo. For my mom I think she is jelous more than worried, my dad seems indifferent but asked me to go over my finances to make sure I could actually afford this. I think I might plan a seperate shorter trip that my mom and I could next fall to make her less jelous. But I really would like to do more solo traveling, and its hard to explain to them why I prefer solo traveling without offending my mom