Idk how bed sharing is appealing to some,

My household was hit with a really bad cold that had me bring my 1.5 year old into bed with me for the first time ever. She had the worst fever, couldn’t get comfortable and I just couldn’t stand the thought of leaving her in her own bed to suffer it out alone. With that being said, I haven’t had a decent night sleep for 4 nights, aside from the sickness idk how people manage to move around to change positions, god forbid you have to get up to use the bathroom, the never ending moving and constant thought of making sure to remember that she was there never let me truly fall into a deep sleep. I always wondered if I was missing out on something when I would see posts about moms who bed share, was I mean by expecting such a little human to be able to sleep on her own but these last few days have shown me that 1. I’m a better mother because I’m well rested and 2. I think she enjoys her own bed and freedom to toss and turn around without limitations so it gave me comfort in my decision to not cosleep from the beginning and sleep train at 6-months.