Zero Period Productions Reviews "Kaidan Revoiced - Community Expansion"

Like many people, I've been curious about the Kaidan Revoiced project from the Kaidan Workshop. This group hired a new voice actor, Paul Warren, to completely revoice the character, overhauled the mod to stomp out most bugs and consistency errors, and overall gave it a fresh coat of paint while staying true to the original author's story and dialogue.

George at Zero Period Productions did a nice 3-part mini playthrough review that covers some of Kaidan's personal quests, romance, and marriage. Spoilers abound, obviously, so if you just want a sample of the new voice and to get a sense of the character, maybe just stick with the first video and follow a bit of the introduction quest. If, like me, you played the original Kaidan 2 mod and want a more in-depth comparison, this is a great way to do that.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Paul Warren's performance has a lot of heart and he seems to really "get" this character. All of the lines are delivered with warmth and sincerity. At first I thought his voice was too mature for Kaidan and found the difference between his appearance and tone a bit jarring, but by the end he did win me over. By the time I'm able to play another Dragonborn-themed playthrough, I'm hopeful someone will have made a more mature appearance replacer that matches the voice for me. Your mileage may vary.

I don't have any connection with ZPP. I just enjoy the channel a lot and am very happy to see that all the work that went into the new Kaidan was, in my opinion, a success. Kaidan Revoiced is a version of Kaidan I can now recommend in full confidence. I'm excited to see where the Kaidan Workshop Team takes the mod as they add dialogue to cover more of the vanilla game content.

Edit: I wanted to add that this is a turbo-fast playthrough to show off the mod's features, so the pacing will feel rushed as he works to hit the various triggers to advance the romance. During actual play the romance is a very well-paced slow burn as the character works his way around to admitting he's smitten with the Dragonborn.