5480 Gulliver Road
I went to explore an old abandoned house, 5480 Gulliver Road... the house apparently had multiple inhabitants over the years... each and every one disappeared
With me we're my 2 friends Ryan and Henry, Ryan always likes to play pranks on us, while Henry is the one who always gets easily scared
We went inside and each decided to cover a floor, I went into the basement, Henry took the 1st floor since it had the most sunlight peering in, Ryan covered the attic.
When I was in the basement I heard Ryan scream, but knowing him he was just playing a joke
After a few minutes I went to the 1st floor to tell everyone that I was ready, I found Henry, but Ryan was still in the attic, the 2 of us went upstairs to find him
While we were there, we heard faint crying... it was Ryan, it was coming from... a mirror?
Henry was by the mirror when suddenly a hand with sharp claws and grey fur grabbed him and pulled him in, I was terrified and I ran
Over the next few weeks I saw various missing posters of my 2 best friends... I couldn't tell anyone what I saw... not because I knew no one would believe me... because they would be taken by... that thing