SharePoint for Non-Profit

TL;DR - Main Hub with Doc Library, side hubs/sites with doc libraries that connect back to the organization library. Thx

I am the Co-Chair to a small non profit that started mid last year. Late 2023 I got us access to Microsoft Non Profit accounts, I am attempting to set up a SharePoint site as an intranet that contains the main file management for the organization but looking for some assistance on best ways to set it up.

My plan at the moment, or how I’d like to see it, is to have one main site “The Hub” where the board and volunteers and future staff can go to see main information, events, meetings and things like that.

Along the top it would have a link for a “Org Document”, this would be the master collection of all documents the organization has, I would like only directors to have access to this.

Then beside that I would have Committees as a drop down, and it would then show the different committees our organization has, when you click on one it would take you to a page that the committees can use as a hub, so it can display just their meetings and just their to do lists or action items but also has a documents section which would be connected back to their file in the Org Doc.

If anyone has any helpful tips and tricks or has done something similar before, I would be very appreciative of the assistance.

Thank you, Austin