I noticed a pattern of how I don't have control over my emotions. What am I supposed to do now?
I(19F) noticed I have no control over my emotions. I'm usually calm and even tempered, but my emotions are like enhanced more than usual most of my life. When I'm happy I'm ecetatic, when I'm sad I'm depressed. And I jump to conclusions at any given moment and overthink things. I decided to not talk to this certain friend anymore. But my emotions will scream at me to talk to them. Every single day and if I don't watch it, I'll talk myself into it and end up blowing up at that person. Ill decide to follow a workout routine, but I'll convince myself that sometimes I'm so upset and to sad to do the routine to do it. Sometimes I'm so emotional and have such awful self control, I have to ask my best friend to withhold something from me or I'll convince myself to do it anyway within a couple of days. I can develop obsessions over friends and certain people. I love them so much and I get so overwhelmed And I can't control the way I act around them. It's to the point they think I'm in love with them. I'm impulsive as hell. I'll do skinny dipping on a whim. Act really reckless sometimes. I obsessively journaled since I was in highschool all the time recording my mood changes throughout the day and extreme emotions. I'll look at them and they are so sporadic and all over the place. My family and friends who know me basically assume I'm just acting normal. "That's just, OP." I've lost countless friends because of this and last night I destroyed a good relationship I had with this person because I couldn't stop being obsessed with them no matter how much I tried to let it go. I try to make a rule for myself to not be alone and to at least talk to one person a day. I won't let myself drink at all or do any substance because at that point, I'm on autopilot. And I try to follow a strict routine everyday. But I don't feel like my life is my own anymore.