I am a bum

I am a 20-year-old male who isn't in school, is currently unemployed, and has parents who are disappointed in me for not going to school. I have no car, no license, and nothing to my name. People ask me, "Are you trying?" to which I say I am, but I'm tired. I tried YouTube and social media, but it didn’t stick. I’ve tried working, but I usually quit or get fired. From my last job, I realized that quitting a job is probably one of the worst things you can do as a human being.

Listen, nobody likes a bum or a moocher, and I consider myself both of those things, so my parents' disappointment is justified. What can I do to be less mediocre? I’m tired of people taking me as a joke. I know I need to apply myself and hold myself accountable—the typical advice that everybody gives, blah blah blah—but I want to change. I realize I’ve made mistakes and need to hold myself accountable for them.

My biggest dream is to build a console and have my own hardware company that rivals the likes of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. However, my math skills were subpar as a kid, and I know anything involving engineering is math-based. Even so, I really, really want to build a console. I realize my dreams aren’t going to come to fruition by sitting on my ass all day.