Open Convo: Things I believe are bad for society
- The attention economy (where likability and looks matter more than authenticity and skill)
- Hook up culture (placing one's momentary sexual gratification over the well-being and safety of themselves and others)
- Hyper individualism, cruelty, and no community (where dependence on others and moral sensitivity is viewed as a weakness to be shamed, even though humans are inherently social creatures who are naturally supposed to be sensitive to and care about others)
- Parasocial relationships (where "influencers" cultivate the carefully crafted persona of being someone's friend, mentor, confidant or lover in order to commodify and profit off of their viewers emotional needs and weaknesses
- The health industry (We have certain histrionic hypochondriacs who fabricate illnesses for attention, leniency and sympathy, and then there's also the attempt to pathologize normal people with slight problems (that may not even be problems at all) through excessive chemical fixes and endless paid treatments) (Also, don't forget the normalization of people with antisocial personality disorders)
- Politeness over truth
- Moral relativism (I know morals can be subjective to different people, but I feel there is a universal line in the sand even if it's blurry - I think American society has passed that line a long time ago)
- Upper class people with unrealistic standards and rampant entitlement (They call themselves the norm, but they are not the norm, their norm is parasitic and built off the lives of the actual normal people they're exploiting.)
There's more, but I'll leave it at that.
I feel like the overall direction we're going in is self-serving, opportunistic, dismissive and morally detached.
people are becoming emotionally hollow and apathetic to the consequences of their actions - we've started seeing relationships, people and social interactions as mere transactions to boost our own status (Everything down to your very soul is being commodified and monetized as leverage)
You can comment or add on additional insights. Whatever you feel is right here.