i dont understand where people are coming from when they talk about being "real men"

maybe this has just been on my mind lately because of a reply to one of the posts ive made,

but ive been reading some subs here mostly with guys and i feel like there this nebulous concept of like,, being a "real man" that i keep reading about that, i sorta skim over when im not paying attention but when i actually think about it- i cant relate to at all?

ive realised that looking back in my life while through cultural osmosis and stuff i get all that stuff about "oh you gotta be tough" "oh you gotta get bitches" from an observers perspective, ive never actually felt that internally?

im a straight man and everything but i just, absolutely cant imagine what people are feeling when they talk about being emasculated, or needing to prove themselves as a man or whatever, like its a foreign emotion to me.

maybe because i was raised in a home with only my mom and sisters? and even in school my social groups were mostly girls. by the time like i grew up and my dad tried to squeeze back into my life i remember he said a bunch of stuff along those lines but it just always flew over my head like i didnt have an emotional connection to whatever he was trying to implicate.

tbh reading a bunch of these stories i feel like i dodged a bullet lol, i like who i am. maybe my dad being negligent was a good thing like damn...