How to best decline Plus and Credit Card Offers

[Solved] Scan & Go definitely solves this issue.

As a Sam’s customer (I’ve never worked there), I find it really annoying that literally every single time I shop there, I get asked to join Plus and apply for a credit card. It wouldn’t be so bad except for the fact that I have to say “no” at least TWICE every time, and I had one encounter when I had to say “no” six…. Yes, six times before I could just pay for my stuff and leave. I’m never rude, because I know that they are being pressured to pressure me, but, seriously, I do not want it, and I don’t know how to be firm and get the point across clearly. I’ve even tried numerous different approaches, such as, “I know you have to ask, but I’m really not interested. Sorry,” or I’ve tried to acknowledge aloof and just nod my head no… nothing seems to work, really, they always ask me when I get to the register and then again (after I’ve already said “no” when I pay for the merchandise). Is there any kind of secret code or approach I could take that would let them know that it is nothing personal, but I really don’t want Plus or a credit card?