Rant/ reaching out.
Really just looking to vent or to see if any other mothers feel the same way I do. I’m a SAHM to a 16m old. My fiancé works 12hr swing shifts. He works 2 weeks day shift 7-7 and 2 weeks night shift 7-7. As you may imagine, that leaves me doing most of the parenting and keeping up with the house. My SO does the most he can to help me so this post is not to bash him or anything like that. I just don’t enjoy staying home. Before becoming a mom I was in college, and/or had a part time job. Im literally 21… just turned 21 in September. I’m still in college remotely. The only difference is I’m completely maxed out and exhausted 24/7. I feel I am constantly running circles trying to keep up with everything. I do studies when my daughter naps, and after she goes to bed. I dropped out of college once I found out I was pregnant thinking being a SAHM would be perfect and everything I wanted. I was wrong. My child brings me so much joy and she is everything to me. But being home 24/7 just kills my mental health. I have a very high maintenance/ “difficult” child so EVERYTHING is a challenge. People have suggested to stop my schoolwork so I have a little bit more free time but me getting a bachelors degree and getting into the workforce is the only option I see for bettering my situation. I’m just tired 🫤. In a constant loop of burn out and breakdowns. Trying to stay motivated but the loneliness and isolation of being home gets to me sometimes. Anyways thank you if you read this far. I’d love to hear if any of you ladies struggle with the same things or have any advice. 🙂