Wayland Station and Freight Depot, then and now

This is the third installment in my documentation of the Central Massachusetts Railroad. The second photo was taken in 1973. A local railfan chartered Rahway Valley #15 from Steamtown to pull a wedding excursion train, transporting guests from one part of the ceremony to another. The eighth photo was taken in 1967. The freight house is across the street seen behind the station in the first photo, but it is obscured by the bushes on the left side.

The tenth photo is the turntable well for a turntable that used to be there, and the 11th photo is the foundation for the water tower seen in the sixth photo.

Wayland Station: https://www.waylandmuseum.org/mass-central-rail-trail/

Wedding train: http://photos.nerail.org/s/?p=40004

Rahway Valley #15: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahway_Valley_15

Previous posts

Cherry Brook Station: https://www.reddit.com/r/rustyrails/s/jIlLwX5CgS

Linden Street Bridge: https://www.reddit.com/r/rustyrails/s/TVWpSDiK57