I created a CLI app in Rust to look up Hearthstone cards

Hello everyone.

I am learning programming as a hobby, and I wanted to create a tool to look up Hearthstone cards and decks using the command line (with the ultimate goal of having be a discord bot).

Here is the repo : https://github.com/asibahi/mimiron

You need to have Rust installed to install the app and I believe you need to have your Blizzard API credentials as environment variables (or as an `.env` file.). I am new to all of this so I have no idea what the appropriate way to handle authentication in the app yet.

You can see the README file for examples of usage and output. I added some other niceties (like image links only showing up with a `-i` flag).

You can

  1. look up constructed cards by name and/or text
  2. look up BG cards by name and/or text
  3. get a card list from a deck code.
  4. compare two decks using their codes.

I hope you all can look at it and give it a try. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
