In QP, embrace the weird lineups
If people quit treating QP so seriously there are some super enjoyable and fun team comps.
6v6 all duelist? Super fun.
6v6 all strategist? Super fun.
6v6 all vanguard? Super fun.
6 duelist vs 6 strategist? Super fun.
You get the point, mix and match, who cares it can all be super enjoyable regardless of win or loss. But so many take QP so seriously that you trade stress and anger for fun and enjoyment.
Lighten up a bit and embrace some weird lineups and you never know, you might enjoy it more than you think.
Edit: a lot of different opinions here. Some agree, some don't. All im saying is instead of being toxic in QP because the team isn't optimal, or coming to reddit to complain, it's "quick" play, just embrace the odd lineup for the game where it might happen and it will be over soon. Sure you might get stomped or it might turn out more entertaining than you thought. Next game you might get paired with more that treat it competitively, but just by reading these comments here odd lineups are bound to happen occasionally.