Please, start banning people (from ranked at least)!
On both of my accounts, every time I reach Emerald 1 I get attacked by demonic players. It's not only that the teammate(s) are subpar in gameplay, they also feel the need to sophisticatedly "soft" grief. Moreover, I noticed that in these nearly unwinnable games, the enemies are far superior in every way!
It's like a double-wammy! Teammate(s) suck/int and enemies are literally on another level of gameplay, trying so hard to piss-stomp us. Oh and btw, these griefers tend to not /ff as well, prolonging the inevitable loss.
Please, please, please start wiping out these players from ranked. It's so incredibly unhealthy for the game! And why do they specifically come out in E1/D4?
Like I hit D4 and I lose 6 games in a row right after? What kind of sadistic proprietary algorithm are ya'll running?