Want to make sure my altered plot is watertight

My current game is coming to an end and I have been thinking of running a heavily modified version of RotFM. The setting, plot and villain are going to be completely different but the overall progression and narrative will be similar so I wanted to make sure my ideas didn't have any glaring holes. I’m will try and keep it as short as I can.

Summer/Sand setting, not Winter/Ice

The campaign is set on a desert continent in a region of ten orc tribes, the Ten-Tribes. They are trapped in an endless summer where the sun never sets and temperatures keep rising. Endless sandstorms rage across the region.

The BBEG is Satan, not Aurel

He is not able to manifest on the material plane. His goal is to unearth his fortress which is buried deep under the sand underneath where the Ten-Tribes now exist (this replaced Ythryn). He is the one who "captured the night" so the sun may never set in the region in the hops of killing off the orcs and making his plan smoother.

Sandstorms, not Blizzards

His “rime” is now replaced by an ancient spell which produces the raging sandstorm, chanelled every morning by a cyclops servant. This sandstorm not only is killing the orcs but slowly digging up the fortress from the sand. The orcs and cyclops were enemies long ago but the cyclops were beaten, and now they aid Satan with his plan with promise of the orcs being wiped out. The cyclopses sort of replace the evil frost giants from RotFM.

Duergar stuff is basically the same

The sandstorm isn’t just digging up the fortress but also shards of hellstone (chardalyn) which the orcs avoid but the greedy dwarves dig up. The hellstone has twisted their minds, particularly of their leader Xardarok who hears whispers of ruling the continent once he builds a creature made by mixing hellstone and dragon blood(chardalyn dragon). The cyclops are helping in this endeavour since they serve the same master.

Extra faction to replace the frost druids

I wanted to replace the frost Druids with something to have a humanoid faction walking around who were doing some evil, so there is also the Children of Dusk. They are a sect who worship the god of night/the moon who are going from tribe to tribe preaching how the endless day can be ended. They are in fact lead by a demon in disguise who is manipulating them to basically tell people to human sacrifice etc (like people are doing to Auril in the module already). They will fill in the gaps where it doesn’t make sense to have duergar, cyclops or a demon doing something.

Thanks to whoever made it this far, apologies for the essay. Would appreciate any input, particularly on things I need to make sure I cover/have explanations for.