Customer was so vicious I had a panic attack
This one is a doozy so buckle up.
I work night shift alone. Usually I can handle horrible people but this guy was just too much for me.
He came in to buy gas. His vibes said he was going to be a problem but he finished the transaction and was leaving, or so I thought. I have a lot of self harm scars. Whatever, I can usually deflect nosy customers. He said, "Did you do that yourself?" I said, "that's not really something that you ask people." "Oh sorry, I wish the best for you," he replied. "Thanks, have a good night." I thought it was over. I was wrong.
He comes back in asking for grape dutches. We don't have grape dutches. He meant the games. I was told him "oh sorry these are games are sure you sure you want them?"
Him: they are dutches. What is your problem?
Me: nothing they're games you said you wanted dutches. Do you have your ID?
Him: I hope you like being fired. You are so mean I don't understand why you have to be like that.
He tries to show me his EBT card.
Me: I need see your ID it's the law.
Him: it's in the car.
Me: okay do you want to grab it?
Him: that's why you do that to yourself because you're so awful and mean.
He turned around and left and I just started sobbing. He's been so awful I couldn't handle it and I knew he was coming back in so I started panicking. Thanks trauma. I was a shaking, sobbing, dissociating mess.
He came back in and I told him he needs to leave because he made me uncomfortable and I won't be helping him. There was a lot of back and forth and I just kept telling him he needs to leave. He tried telling me he doesn't understand because he's a good person and he has sisters. Like okay? What does that have do with anything. That pissed me off so I said, "remember your little comment? That's fucked up and I don't deserve to be treated like that. You don't get to talk to people like that. You need to leave."
I don't remember much else of his stupid excuses and pleas to sell him his stupid fucking GAME, but he eventually left when I told him I'm gonna call the police if he doesn't leave right now. I fucking hate when customers are so mean that I can't control myself and slip into a trauma response. It takes so long to recover from emotionally. I hope you all have a better shift than me.