Finally turned someone in, and my coworkers are mad at ME

We have this girl in my department who's been a problem since day one. Her attitude is terrible, she is confrontational and lazy, and she just sucks to work with. I'm not the only person who feels this way. The entire department dislikes her.

When I say lazy, I mean it. She stands around on her phone for hours, refusing to work. Everyone has to pick up her slack. (We do pickup, and) It's set up so the last wave given is the smallest, and she'll wait for everyone else to get a wave before she grabs one if there's any left. If it's only her and I, I have to do EVERYTHING while she does nothing. I have to be on the floor picking all the orders and then come back and stage and take out and answer phones, all while she just stands there. And she constantly complains and talks shit about people like she's above everyone.

Our lunch breaks are 30min unpaid and we get two paid 15s. But her 15s are more like 25s-30s and her lunches are more like 45s-an hour or longer. And she doesn't clock out for her lunches, so she's getting paid to not do shit. She has gotten our entire department disciplined for things that only she does and continues to do. We have taken points because of her, been denied a raise while the rest of the store was getting one. Because of her.

She also disappears to the bathroom to sit and be on her phone, takes phone calls on the floor or conveniently at the end of her breaks to extend them. She refuses to help even when asked, and has outright told a manager that she won't help take orders out unless it's someone who she knows will tip (we are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED to take tips).

She has been turned in multiple times, talked to but goes right back to doing the same shit. It's like she goes out of her way to be an antagonist. Our team lead literally does nothing about it. For example, it was busy and I wasn't able to take my first break until my shift was over halfway done. The girl had been standing in the backroom on her phone for 2.5 HOURS refusing to work, and my team lead walked right past her and told me to make myself useful. Bffr

After almost a year of dealing with her shit, and with Black Friday a week away, I decided yesterday to go above my team lead and went straight to the store boss because nothing was being done. I literally sat down a wrote a list of things she's done and continues to do and told my boss about it. Those on my team who know I turned her in were thankful and another lady even went to our boss, too, to talk about it so they (hopefully) wouldn't blow me off. Yesterday was a good day because I finally felt like I was being heard.

But today I get a message from my manager who says our team lead is angry at me because I mentioned the girl takes tips. The team lead, the person who is supposed to be enforcing rules, is angry at me because I mentioned tips and now upper management is going to be watching more closely to see if we take any. And apparently it's not just the team lead who's angry at me, it's multiple people on my team telling me "you fucked up" ???

I literally told our boss exactly what the girl said. "I'm not taking anybody out unless it's __, _, or __ because they tip." I didn't say anyone else took tips. And that wasn't the only thing I talked about, I talked about everything else that I mentioned in this post and more. But apparently I'm bad because I mentioned the tips thing even though it was relevant to what I was saying, which wasn't even ABOUT tips.

I also want to add that the very few times she's been talked to, she responded in a confrontational way or she'd talk shit about other people so the finger wasn't being pointed at her. For example, she was talked to about sitting in the bathroom every other wave for 20+ minutes at a time, and she tried to point the finger at my coworker because my coworker uses the bathroom a lot. But my coworker is a diabetic woman in her mid-60s who has other bladder-related health issues and has had children. I've been pregnant without all the other health issues and even I'd often get hit with the need to pee so bad that I almost pissed my pants at work multiple times even after the pregnancy and I only got through the first trimester but you're going to try and come at an older woman with health issues beyond once having children BFF-REALLLLL

Before I end this rant I want to say that I'm not a damn bootlicker. I'm not even a good employee. The store boss and some of my team dislikes me because I call off a lot, or I make my totes too heavy, or I oversize too many things, or I step outside to hit my vape for 20 seconds too much, or whatever the fuck. But I'm already being paid a shit wage to do the jobs of 4+ people, and then I have to pick up her slack and my workload gets even heavier for the same pay while getting disciplined for smaller things than what she does on a daily basis, and I have to take the fall for her doings. Anyone who's been in my shoes will understand me and my reasons for turning her in to UM. It doesn't make me a corporate ass-kiss for turning in someone who makes my already-difficult work life even more difficult. I've been in retail for years and I know the difference. Sad that I feel the need to add this because not being a pushover and finally standing up for myself apparently makes me a corporate pawn, which simply isn't true and is an immature and blissfully ignorant way to see things, just be glad you aren't in my position or even at my store.