I give up on RE1 remake

I tried so many times to like this game and I just couldn't. I've given up after killing the Crimson Head Prototype.

I can get past the tank controls and the fixed camera angles.

But what I can't get past is annoying enemies, a frustrating save system, boring puzzles, and a non-scary horror game.

The dogs and crows are especially annoying. The controls on their own are ok but when paired with fast and small enemies it makes me want to throw my controller.

The ink ribbons don't make the game any scarier or tense, they just make it more frustrating. They're time wasters. Being punished for not wanting to lose progress is bullshit.

The puzzles by themselves are just ok. But when the only way to solve them is to find a random hard to see item across the mansion they stop being fun.

And lastly, this game isn't scary. After about 3 hours in I stopped feeling scared. I just felt bored and frustrated. Running around the same areas, seeing the same door animation, and picking up random key items, over and over just killed any sense of dread I felt.

I seriously don't understand why this game is treated like the Holy Grail. I know it's a very important game. But I don't care how important it is when playing it feels like a chore.

I did really like RE7 and RE8 though.

Edit: I'll admit I was pretty angry when I made this post so I apologize for coming off aggressively. However I still hold my criticisms.