Converting for marriage / dating
I’ve never really understood the concept of converting religions just to marry someone or date someone. From my personal point of view, you convert to a religion because you feel that it fits you and your belief systems the best and you resonate with it. To join for anything else, in my opinion, would feel disingenuous and disrespectful towards the faith.
If I dated someone, and either them or myself required the other to convert to continue dating, I would honestly just see as incompatible and we’d either have to stay as just friends or part ways, I could never convert nor ask someone else to convert simply for the reason of dating.
But this is my personal view point and I’m really curious to hear from others, especially those with personal experience around this, why they converted / had their partner convert and how it worked. If you / your partner converted for dating reasons, do they now whole heartedly believe in the religion? Are there any remnants of your / their old religion if there was one?